About me
Hi! You have reached my webpage. Here, it’s mostly about science and music. I am an audio research scientist, specialized in music information retreival.
Previously, I was a PhD student working on behavioural music analysis at Télécom Paris and Deezer. I was supervised by Dr. Gaël Richard and Dr. Geoffroy Peeters from Télécom Paris and Dr. Elena Epure from Deezer. My research interest is around music autotagging and application of machine learning in music technology.
Prior to joining Télécom Paris, I graduated with a M.Sc. in Computer Science from The National University of Singapore (NUS) where I worked on The Problem of Singing Voice Intelligibility. Before that, I finished another M.Sc. in Software Engineering from Nile University, Cairo, where I worked on primary/ambient audio source separtion and surround sound upmixing. Additionally, I did a 3-month internship at IBM labs in Singapore working on automatic question-answering and another 6-month thesis internship at Sony’s Stuttgart Technology Group working on source separation.